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Wondering if your dog would like a job?

Uncategorized Sep 10, 2020

You do not have to have big aspirations for search and rescue to want to give your dog a job. If you enjoy playing with your dog, enjoy the outdoors, and like the idea of giving your dog a purpose- this just maybe your thing.

Getting your dog to use their nose can really help them as well. They enjoy having a purpose too. 

Next weekend we are having our second Does Your Dog want a Job? Seminar. We will have another one later this fall. I hope you and your dog will join us. You may also contact me to set up sometime to meet, and discuss all that you and your dog could do!




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My Short Story

I have been working dogs since 2005. I have taught obedience, detection, and tracking classes.  I was a SAR handler for 14 years, a narcotics handler for 9, and I worked as a bomb dog handler for two years. Now as K9 Track NW owner and trainer, I hope to train with you. My wish is to show you just how amazing your dog can be.